El número de niños muertos en conflictos se triplicó en 2023, denuncia Naciones Unidas

Ginebra (EFE).- El número de niños fallecidos en conflictos globales se triplicó en 2023 con respecto al año anterior, y el de mujeres se duplicó, denunció este martes el alto comisionado de la ONU para derechos humanos, Volker Türk, en … Continue reading El número de niños muertos en conflictos se triplicó en 2023, denuncia Naciones Unidas

Inside the ‘well of hell’ closed for millions of years as team finally climb into it

Yemen | may 21, 2022 The Well of Barhout has been undisturbed for millions for years, but a Yemen exploration team took it upon themselves to drop down 367 feet and discover the magic A well in Yemen, which has been a source of fantastical lore, has been explored by members of the Omani Caves Exploration Team for the first time in history. The legendary sinkhole, known as the ‘Well of Hell’, formed in the middle of the desert in al-Mahra millions of years ago and measuring 30m wide. The Well of Barhout has remained undisturbed by travellers and locals alike for fear of what lived … Continue reading Inside the ‘well of hell’ closed for millions of years as team finally climb into it

In Yemen, the number of children killed or injured continues to increase as violence escalates

SANA’A | 12 March 2022  “Following the intensification of the conflict in Yemen in 2021, violence has continued to escalate this year and as always children are the first and most to suffer. “Over the first two months of 2022, 47 children were reportedly killed or maimed in several locations across the country.  “Since the conflict escalated in Yemen nearly seven years ago, the UN has verified that more than 10,200 children have been killed or injured. The actual number is likely much higher. “UNICEF calls on all parties to the conflict in Yemen and those with influence over them to protect civilians wherever they are. … Continue reading In Yemen, the number of children killed or injured continues to increase as violence escalates

El agua potable es un bien de lujo en el devastado Yemen

Saná | 28 dic. 2021 Siete años de guerra han convertido Yemen en escenario de la peor crisis humanitaria del planeta, según la ONU, que con el tiempo se ha visto aún más exacerbada hasta el punto de dejar a la mitad de los yemeníes sin acceso a agua potable a día de hoy. La escasez de agua en este árido país del golfo Pérsico ha sido una constante durante décadas, pero el conflicto iniciado en 2014 ha reducido a escombros los pozos y tanques de agua, desalinizadoras, estaciones de bombeo y tuberías, dejando en extrema vulnerabilidad a millones de habitantes. Continue reading El agua potable es un bien de lujo en el devastado Yemen

Yemen alert: 8 million face reduced rations amid funding shortages

Yemen | Dec 22, 2021 The UN food relief agency warned on Wednesday that it is running out of funds to continue providing food assistance to 13 million Yemenis. From January, eight million who are going hungry in Yemen will receive a reduced food ration, while five million others who are at immediate risk of slipping into famine, will remain on a full ration. “Desperate times call for desperate measures and we have to stretch our limited resources and prioritize, focusing on people who are in the most critical state”, said Corinne Fleischer, Regional Director of the World Food Programme (WFP) for the Middle East and North Africa. … Continue reading Yemen alert: 8 million face reduced rations amid funding shortages

U.N. urged to restore scrutiny of war crimes in Yemen

GENEVA | Dec 2, 2021 Activist groups called on the U.N. General Assembly on Thursday to create a new panel of independent experts to collect and preserve evidence of possible war crimes by all sides in Yemen’s bitter conflict for future prosecution. Bahrain, Russia and other members of the U.N. Human Rights Council pushed through a vote in October to shut down its war crimes investigations in Yemen, in a stinging defeat for Western states. Some 60 groups, including Human Rights Watch and Amnesty International, called in a joint statement for a fresh investigation and accused Saudia Arabia and the United Arab Emirates of an “aggressive … Continue reading U.N. urged to restore scrutiny of war crimes in Yemen

Yemen: The children haunted by ‘ghosts’ of war

In Yemen, the Houthi rebels are pushing hard to capture, or encircle, the key city of Marib. It’s the last stronghold of the internationally recognised government and is at the centre of Yemen’s oil fields.  The fall of Marib would be a major turning point in the war.   Saudi Arabia, backed by the US and UK, intervened in Yemen in 2015, after the Houthis ousted the government from the capital, Sanaa. Since then Yemen has been gripped by one of the world’s worst humanitarian crises.    It’s been a dirty war, with all sides accused of killing civilians and other abuses.  At least 800,000 people displaced by the war have fled to Marib. More are … Continue reading Yemen: The children haunted by ‘ghosts’ of war

Yemen: The woman saving a crumbling heritage

Yemen | Nov 28, 2021 As a child, Harbia Al Himiary would marvel at the architecture of her home country of Yemen. In her own birthplace of Sanaa she admired from an early age the intricate stone carvings that decorated the Old City, a part of the capital inhabited for more than 2,500 years. This ancient place inspired Harbia. Now aged 37, she’s helping to rebuild it – part of a UN scheme where she is also the first female engineer in charge. “Women do not regularly join this field of work,” she says. “I wanted to be unique in my profession, and join a field … Continue reading Yemen: The woman saving a crumbling heritage

El PMA advierte del aumento de la hambruna y pide ayuda financiera

Roma | 8 nov, 2021 El Programa Mundial de Alimentos de las Naciones Unidas (PMA) advirtió este lunes de que 45 millones de personas de 43 países del mundo se encuentran al borde de la hambruna, 3 millones más que a principios de año, y pidió ayuda financiera internacional para evitar que una hambruna mundial, cuyo coste es de 7.000 millones de dólares. “Tenemos conflictos, cambio climático y covid-19 aumentando el número de personas con hambre aguda, y los datos más recientes muestran que ahora hay más de 45 millones de personas al borde de la hambruna”, frente a los 42 millones a principios de año … Continue reading El PMA advierte del aumento de la hambruna y pide ayuda financiera