US warns of possible Pride Month attacks worldwide

By Mike Wendling, BBC News US officials have warned that foreign terror organisations may attempt to target LGBT events around the world during Pride Month in June. Authorities warned US citizens abroad to “exercise increased caution”. “Stay alert in locations … Continue reading US warns of possible Pride Month attacks worldwide

Thailand’s Famed Elephant Tourism Is Controversial — Here’s How to Pick an Ethical Sanctuary

There are roughly 3,800 captive elephants in Thailand. By Mary Jo DiLonardo In Thailand, it’s very easy to encounter an elephant. Some sites allow quiet observation, as you admire the massive animals from afar. Other tourist venues offer activities like feeding, riding, … Continue reading Thailand’s Famed Elephant Tourism Is Controversial — Here’s How to Pick an Ethical Sanctuary

World Cup Frenzy Puts Strain On Qatar’s Camels

The sudden rise in tourists to Qatar is putting pressure on camels, who have almost no time to rest between each ride. AP | Lujain Jo and Suman Naishadham | Nov 28, 2022 MESAIEED, Qatar (AP) — Shaheen stretched out on the sand and closed his eyes, but there was little time to rest for the camel*. World Cup fans coming in droves to the desert outside Doha were ready for their perfect Instagram moment: riding a camel on the rolling dunes. *Clarification; the correct name of this species is dromedary The dromedary, also known as the dromedary camel, Arabian camel, or one-humped camel, is a … Continue reading World Cup Frenzy Puts Strain On Qatar’s Camels