China #MeToo journalist sentenced to five years in jail, supporters say

Sophia Huang Xueqin, who reported on #MeToo movement and Hong Kong pro-democracy protests, sentenced along with labour activist Wang Jianbing Helen Davidson in Taipei A Chinese court has sentenced the prominent #MeToo journalist Sophia Huang Xueqin to five years in jail … Continue reading China #MeToo journalist sentenced to five years in jail, supporters say

Saudi women’s rights activist sentenced to 11 years in jail, rights groups say

By Radina Gigova and Hande Atay Alam, CNN Human rights groups are calling for the release of a Saudi woman, who they say has been sentenced to 11 years in prison for supporting women’s rights and for the way she dressed. Manahel al-Otaibi, … Continue reading Saudi women’s rights activist sentenced to 11 years in jail, rights groups say

The Protests Inside Iran’s Girls’ Schools

From the start, women were at the center of the demonstrations that swept Iran last year. Schoolgirls emerged as an unexpected source of defiant energy. By Azadeh Moaveni One morning this past winter, the students at a girls’ high school in … Continue reading The Protests Inside Iran’s Girls’ Schools

Health workers in Zimbabwe dismayed as law curbing strikes is passed

Controversial bill to stop industrial action criticised as an already struggling sector fears losing more staff in a damaging brain drain Global health | Nyasha Chingono | 12 Jan. 2023 Zimbabwe’s health workers have criticised the government for passing contested legislation that outlaws any industrial action, saying it will worsen the sector’s already damaging brain drain. The new Health Services Bill, which came into force on Tuesday, forbids health workers who are classified as an “essential” service from striking for more than three days. Those who do not comply face a fine or imprisonment of up to six months. “After the rejection of the bill by various … Continue reading Health workers in Zimbabwe dismayed as law curbing strikes is passed

Why reporting on Iran comes at a heavy price

By Parham Ghobadi | BBC Persian | 12 jan. 2023 In Iran, the anti-government protests of 2022 have continued into the new year. Reporting on one of the biggest international stories of the moment is an ongoing challenge for BBC Persian Service journalists, who are not allowed into the country, suffer daily harassment, and whose families back home are persecuted. Iran has been in turmoil since September, when the death in custody of 22-year-old Mahsa Amini sparked mass protests against the compulsory hijab and other restrictions – leading to calls for regime change. It has meant working around the clock for BBC Persian journalists. But reporting on events … Continue reading Why reporting on Iran comes at a heavy price

Iran protests: Jailed activist Sepideh Qolian describes brutality in letter

By Feranak Amidi | BBC World Service | 10 Jan. 2023 One of Iran’s most prominent female activists has described how confessions are forced out of prisoners, in a letter written inside a notorious jail. Sepideh Qolian has been serving a five-year sentence since 2018 after being convicted of acting “against national security” for supporting a strike. Writing from Evin prison, she describes the brutal treatment of her and other detainees by interrogators. Their forced confessions are later broadcast on state-run television. Alluding to the current anti-government protests sweeping the country, Ms Qolian writes: “In the fourth year of my imprisonment I can finally hear the … Continue reading Iran protests: Jailed activist Sepideh Qolian describes brutality in letter

Hopes rise for press freedom in Tanzania as number of censured journalists falls

Media council reports progress under progressive stance of President Suluhu following years of repression by former regime Caroline Kimeu in Dar es Salaam | Jan. 9 2023 The number of journalists being censured for their work in Tanzania has fallen slightly, raising hopes that press freedom is improving in the country. Last year, 17 “press violations”, which include threats, arrests, denial of access to information and equipment seizures, were reported in the east African nation, the Media Council of Tanzania told the Guardian. This compares with 25 in 2021 and 41 in 2020. The country’s previous president John Magufuli, who died in March 2021, was considered “hostile” to the media. During … Continue reading Hopes rise for press freedom in Tanzania as number of censured journalists falls

Black Eyed Peas Spark Heat For Wearing Rainbow Armbands In Poland New Year’s Event

“Where’s the love?” asked rapper after party official calls the armbands “disgraceful.” By Mary Papenfuss | 2 Jan. 2022 The Black Eyed Peas had a surprise for state-sanctioned Polish TV when all four of them wore rainbow armbands in solidarity with the LGBTQ community at a New Year’s performance in Poland. The group headlined the TVP channel’s “New Year’s of Dreams” show. Their armbands infuriated members of the conservative Law and Justice Party (PiS), currently in power, which pushes anti-LGBTQ policies, reported TMZ. Party member Marcin Warchol called the armbands a “disgrace,” adding: “It’s not a New Year’s Eve of Dreams but a New Year’s Eve of Defiance.” Where’s the love?” responded Black … Continue reading Black Eyed Peas Spark Heat For Wearing Rainbow Armbands In Poland New Year’s Event

UN Council Ousts Iran From Commission Backing Women

The United Nations Economic and Social Council voted to immediately oust Iran from the U.N.’s premiere global body fighting for gender equality. Edith M. Lederer | 14 Dec. 2022 UNITED NATIONS (AP) — The U.N. Economic and Social Council voted Wednesday to immediately oust Iran from the U.N.’s premiere global body fighting for gender equality because of its systematic violation of the rights of women and girls, a decision the United States hailed as “historic” and Iran claimed was based on “fabricated allegations.” The U.S.-sponsored resolution was sparked by Iran’s ongoing brutal crackdown on peaceful protesters who took to the streets in September after the death … Continue reading UN Council Ousts Iran From Commission Backing Women