Wikileaks: Document dumps that shook the world

Julian Assange’s Wikileaks – which has published thousands of classified documents covering everything from the film industry to national security and wars – has been dividing opinion for years. To its supporters, the whistleblowing website is a key player in … Continue reading Wikileaks: Document dumps that shook the world

Why reporting on Iran comes at a heavy price

By Parham Ghobadi | BBC Persian | 12 jan. 2023 In Iran, the anti-government protests of 2022 have continued into the new year. Reporting on one of the biggest international stories of the moment is an ongoing challenge for BBC Persian Service journalists, who are not allowed into the country, suffer daily harassment, and whose families back home are persecuted. Iran has been in turmoil since September, when the death in custody of 22-year-old Mahsa Amini sparked mass protests against the compulsory hijab and other restrictions – leading to calls for regime change. It has meant working around the clock for BBC Persian journalists. But reporting on events … Continue reading Why reporting on Iran comes at a heavy price

Hopes rise for press freedom in Tanzania as number of censured journalists falls

Media council reports progress under progressive stance of President Suluhu following years of repression by former regime Caroline Kimeu in Dar es Salaam | Jan. 9 2023 The number of journalists being censured for their work in Tanzania has fallen slightly, raising hopes that press freedom is improving in the country. Last year, 17 “press violations”, which include threats, arrests, denial of access to information and equipment seizures, were reported in the east African nation, the Media Council of Tanzania told the Guardian. This compares with 25 in 2021 and 41 in 2020. The country’s previous president John Magufuli, who died in March 2021, was considered “hostile” to the media. During … Continue reading Hopes rise for press freedom in Tanzania as number of censured journalists falls