Club Q shooter sentenced to 55 life terms in prison

By Jessica Murphy, BBC News The mass shooter who killed five at a Colorado LGBTQ nightclub in 2022 was sentenced to multiple life sentences Tuesday. Anderson Aldrich pleaded guilty to 50 federal hate crimes and was sentenced to 55 life sentences. … Continue reading Club Q shooter sentenced to 55 life terms in prison

China #MeToo journalist sentenced to five years in jail, supporters say

Sophia Huang Xueqin, who reported on #MeToo movement and Hong Kong pro-democracy protests, sentenced along with labour activist Wang Jianbing Helen Davidson in Taipei A Chinese court has sentenced the prominent #MeToo journalist Sophia Huang Xueqin to five years in jail … Continue reading China #MeToo journalist sentenced to five years in jail, supporters say

La ruta migratoria hacia EE.UU. para el colectivo LGTBI, en busca de una vida libre de odio

Moncho Torres | Bajo Chiquito (Panamá) Para muchas personas del colectivo LGTBI la ruta migratoria hacia Estados Unidos no solo significa huir de la pobreza para intentar mejorar la economía familiar, sino también aspirar a alcanzar la libertad de mostrarse como son, sin … Continue reading La ruta migratoria hacia EE.UU. para el colectivo LGTBI, en busca de una vida libre de odio

US warns of possible Pride Month attacks worldwide

By Mike Wendling, BBC News US officials have warned that foreign terror organisations may attempt to target LGBT events around the world during Pride Month in June. Authorities warned US citizens abroad to “exercise increased caution”. “Stay alert in locations … Continue reading US warns of possible Pride Month attacks worldwide

Dominica High Court overturns ban on same-sex relations

By Alys Davies, BBC News Dominica’s High Court has overturned a ban on consensual same-sex relations in the Caribbean island nation. The court ruled parts of the law that criminalised same-sex activity went against the country’s constitution. A gay man living … Continue reading Dominica High Court overturns ban on same-sex relations

Crecen las agresiones contra las personas lgbti

Las agresiones cotidianas contra las personas lgbti crecen exponencialmente: xenofobia, racismo, discriminación, transfobia. No es casualidad. La eliminación de las políticas públicas contra la discriminación del colectivo y el discurso de odio convertidos en palabra de estado tienen efectos directos: más y … Continue reading Crecen las agresiones contra las personas lgbti