Basura espacial: qué es, consecuencias y soluciones

La basura espacial, también conocida como desecho espacial o chatarra espacial, se refiere a los objetos artificiales en órbita terrestre que ya no tienen ninguna función útil. Esta problemática, generada por actividades humanas en el espacio, plantea diversas consecuencias y … Continue reading Basura espacial: qué es, consecuencias y soluciones

Emissions from loss of plant diversity spells massive climate trouble: Study

By Liz Kimbrough Plants absorb carbon dioxide from the air and store it in their leaves, stems, roots and the soil. But as climate change and human activities drive more plant species toward extinction, that stored carbon could be released back … Continue reading Emissions from loss of plant diversity spells massive climate trouble: Study

América Latina denuncia ante la Corte Interamericana de Derechos Humanos la responsabilidad climática de los países más ricos

Brasilia.- La Corte Interamericana de Derechos Humanos (CorteIDH) ha celebrado una sesión sobre el impacto del cambio climático en las sociedades, en la que América Latina ha vuelto a denunciar la “responsabilidad” del mundo desarrollado frente a ese fenómeno. La … Continue reading América Latina denuncia ante la Corte Interamericana de Derechos Humanos la responsabilidad climática de los países más ricos

Resource wars and the geopolitics behind climate-fueled conflicts

By Mike DiGirolamo, Rachel Donald Dahr Jamail was working in Alaska’s Denali National Park in the early 2000s when he decided to travel to Iraq to better cover the U.S.-led invasion of the region, on the now debunked basis that Iraq’s president was hiding … Continue reading Resource wars and the geopolitics behind climate-fueled conflicts

Preserving the lifeline of Southeast Asia: the urgent call to protect the Mekong River Basin

Natalie Shahbol and Madalen Howard In the heart of Southeast Asia lies a lifeline crucial for both humans and wildlife: the Mekong River. Often referred to by those in the region as the “mother of all things,” the Mekong River holds … Continue reading Preserving the lifeline of Southeast Asia: the urgent call to protect the Mekong River Basin

Put ‘pest’ animal species on the pill, don’t cull them, says scientist

Humane alternatives to killing rampant creatures such as wild boar, deer and grey squirrels are being developed Robin McKie Conflicts between humans and wildlife are triggering growing numbers of disease outbreaks, road accidents and crop damage. And the problem is … Continue reading Put ‘pest’ animal species on the pill, don’t cull them, says scientist

Biggest climate toll in year of ‘devastating’ disasters revealed

PA Media | 27 Dec. 2022 Most expensive storm cost $100bn while deadliest floods killed 1,700 and displaced 7 million, report finds The 10 most expensive storms, floods and droughts in 2022 each cost at least $3bn (£2.5bn) in a “devastating” year on the frontline of the climate crisis, a report shows. Christian Aid has highlighted the worst climate-related disasters of the year asmore intense storms, heavy downpours and droughts are driven by rising global temperatures as a result of human activity. They include storms and drought in the UK and Europe, along with major events on every inhabited continent. Hurricane Ian caused the biggest financial … Continue reading Biggest climate toll in year of ‘devastating’ disasters revealed