Wikileaks: Document dumps that shook the world

Julian Assange’s Wikileaks – which has published thousands of classified documents covering everything from the film industry to national security and wars – has been dividing opinion for years. To its supporters, the whistleblowing website is a key player in … Continue reading Wikileaks: Document dumps that shook the world

‘A narrative of triumph’: a powerful 17-acre site in Alabama remembers enslavement

David Smith in Montgomery, Alabama The Freedom Monument Sculpture Park is an expansive new experience that aims to pay an honest tribute to courage and resilience as an American equivalent to a Holocaust memorial “The morning after our whipping, we all … Continue reading ‘A narrative of triumph’: a powerful 17-acre site in Alabama remembers enslavement

Indonesia ‘sex ban’: Criminal code changes threaten other freedoms

It has been branded the “Bali Bonking Ban”. The revised criminal code which has been approved this week by the Indonesian parliament is getting the kind of publicity rarely given to arcane changes in another country’s legal system. By Jonathan Head | South East Asia correspondent | 8 Dec. 2022 Headlines around the world are warning tourists visiting Indonesia that they face up to a year in jail if caught having sex or cohabiting with someone they are not married to. Suddenly a country usually lauded as a pluralistic Muslim democracy finds itself being accused of mediaeval moral meddling. It is actually a much more complicated … Continue reading Indonesia ‘sex ban’: Criminal code changes threaten other freedoms

At age seven, I had to cover my hair. Now women in Iran are fighting for freedom

The killing of Mahsa Amini has galvanised a new generation to reject oppression – I hope that they achieve what we couldn’t By Maryam Mazrooei | Iran, 14 Nov. 2022 Iheld my first photo exhibition in late 2017, a few months after returning from Mosul, Iraq, where I had documented the operation to liberate the city from Islamic State. From the first moments of the event, I felt gloomy as my family cast concerned looks at me while the press took pictures of my hair freely protruding from my scarf and clothes – a deliberate rebellion on my part against Iran’s conservative traditions and beliefs. I suddenly experienced … Continue reading At age seven, I had to cover my hair. Now women in Iran are fighting for freedom

The Cambodian activists risking their freedom for the environment

Cambodia | April 9, 2022 Mother Nature is a group made up of young activists attempting to protect Cambodia’s environment from widespread destruction. But the group has increasingly been targeted, with some even jailed for their activism. Thon Ratha and Long Kunthea are passionate, young environmental activists for Mother Nature. They also both spent more than a year in jail in appalling conditions for daring to take on their government. Ratha – now one of the group’s best-known activists, was a student working at a supermarket to make ends meet when in 2014 he attended a workshop at his university in the Cambodian capital, Phnom Penh. … Continue reading The Cambodian activists risking their freedom for the environment