Schoolgirl who faced terror charges is ‘wake-up call about grooming’

Charges against Rhianan Rudd, then 15, were dropped after evidence proved she had been groomed online by rightwing extremists Jessica Murray Midlands correspondent | UK, Jan 7 2023 Charities say the case of a UK teenager who became the youngest girl to be charged with terror offences after online grooming by rightwing extremists should be a “wake-up call” about the online vulnerability of children. Rhianan Rudd, who was 15 when charged, took her own life at a Nottinghamshire children’s home in May last year, when she was 16. The charges against her had by then been dropped after evidence proved she had been a victim of online … Continue reading Schoolgirl who faced terror charges is ‘wake-up call about grooming’

Anti-LGBTQ+ attacks by US extremist groups surge as right spews vitriol

LGBTQ+ | Jun. 18 2022 Anti-trans politics spurred by lawmakers and far-right news outlets has renewed fears over community’s safety. In Idaho, police recently found 31 members of a white supremacist group packed into the back of a U-Haul truck, apparently on their way to an LGBTQ+ pride event in the town of Coeur d’Alene. Further west, a crew of Proud Boys interrupted a drag queen event in California, intimidating parents and children and screaming transphobic and homophobic insults. In Texas, a state plagued by anti-trans politics, a group of rightwingers screamed abuse and threatened attendees at an adults-only drag brunch. The incidents, which led to multiple arrests, took … Continue reading Anti-LGBTQ+ attacks by US extremist groups surge as right spews vitriol