US warns of possible Pride Month attacks worldwide

By Mike Wendling, BBC News US officials have warned that foreign terror organisations may attempt to target LGBT events around the world during Pride Month in June. Authorities warned US citizens abroad to “exercise increased caution”. “Stay alert in locations … Continue reading US warns of possible Pride Month attacks worldwide

‘Cruel and cold’: man faces backlash for dousing unhoused woman with water

Amid an escalating housing and homelessness crisis, San Francisco has seen increased attacks on unhoused people Homelessness, by Maanvi Singh | 11 Jan. 2023 San Francisco is once again reckoning with its treatment of unhoused people after a video of a business owner spraying a woman with water from a garden hose spread online. Collier Gwin, the owner of Foster Gwin Gallery in downtown San Francisco, admitted to the San Francisco Chronicle that he blasted water on an unhoused woman sitting on the sidewalk in front of his business. The video, captured on Monday morning by the owner of a nearby bakery, shows Gwin spraying the woman, who … Continue reading ‘Cruel and cold’: man faces backlash for dousing unhoused woman with water

Anti-LGBTQ+ attacks by US extremist groups surge as right spews vitriol

LGBTQ+ | Jun. 18 2022 Anti-trans politics spurred by lawmakers and far-right news outlets has renewed fears over community’s safety. In Idaho, police recently found 31 members of a white supremacist group packed into the back of a U-Haul truck, apparently on their way to an LGBTQ+ pride event in the town of Coeur d’Alene. Further west, a crew of Proud Boys interrupted a drag queen event in California, intimidating parents and children and screaming transphobic and homophobic insults. In Texas, a state plagued by anti-trans politics, a group of rightwingers screamed abuse and threatened attendees at an adults-only drag brunch. The incidents, which led to multiple arrests, took … Continue reading Anti-LGBTQ+ attacks by US extremist groups surge as right spews vitriol

Are attacks on Christians in Nigeria on the rise?

The recent killing of dozens worshippers at a Catholic church in south-western Nigeria has reignited concern about religious violence in the country. The Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN), an umbrella group representing church groups, says attacks on churches and Christians have been increasing sharply. “It is becoming a hopeless situation and is reprehensible,” says CAN spokesman Adebayo Oladeji. How many attacks? There has been a clear rise in recorded incidents targeting Christians since 2019. According to data collected by the Armed Conflict Location and Event Data Project (ACLED), there have already been 23 separate attacks on church premises and people linked to them so far this … Continue reading Are attacks on Christians in Nigeria on the rise?