Morocco sex for grades: Hassan I University lecturers in court

Morocco | Dec 8, 2021 Four lecturers at a leading university in Morocco have appeared in court over accusations of offering students better grades in exchange for sex. The academics have been charged with incitement to debauchery, gender discrimination and violence against women. They have not yet pleaded. This is the latest sexual harassment scandal to hit a Moroccan higher education institution. However, it is rare for a case to be brought to court. The lecturers are from the Hassan I University in the city of Settat, about 80km (50 miles) south of the main city, Casablanca. A fifth lecturer is facing charges of indecent assault … Continue reading Morocco sex for grades: Hassan I University lecturers in court

Teacher suspended for allegedly telling Muslim student ‘we don’t negotiate with terrorists’

New Jersey | Oct 26, 2021 A New Jersey teacher accused of telling an Arab American and Muslim student “we don’t negotiate with terrorists” in response to a request for a homework extensionhas been suspended, district officials said. The incident reportedly occurred on Wednesday morning during first period at Ridgefield Memorial High School in Ridgefield, New Jersey, where the student, Mohammed Zubi, is a senior, according to a statement by the New Jersey chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations. Zubi told CAIR-NJ he had asked for more time on his homework in math class when the teacher made the statement. The entire class, including another teacher, saw the incident, the statement said. Zubi told … Continue reading Teacher suspended for allegedly telling Muslim student ‘we don’t negotiate with terrorists’

Exingeniera de Facebook acusa a la red social de priorizar las ganancias sobre la lucha contra la desinformación y el odio

EE.UU. El mes pasado, una denunciante anónima presentó una queja ante fuerzas de la ley federales de EE.UU. en la que afirmaba que una investigación interna de Facebook concluyó que la empresa no puede combatir efectivamente el odio y la desinformación en la plataforma, pero oculta este hecho. En una entrevista con CBS News el domingo, esa persona se decidió a revelar su identidad y acusó a la red social de priorizar repetidamente las ganancias sobre el control de los discursos de odio y la desinformación. Frances Haugen se desempeñó como ingeniera de datos en la unidad de Integridad Cívica de Facebook desde 2019 hasta mayo de 2021, donde fue responsable de censurar las informaciones … Continue reading Exingeniera de Facebook acusa a la red social de priorizar las ganancias sobre la lucha contra la desinformación y el odio